Pragmatic Solutions

My Mission

If there is one single thing that you take away from this campaign, it is that my goal is to transform this city by implementing evidence-based policies, and listening to experts who have spent decades researching the best way to help Chicagoans, but are often ignored by ideologues.

Chicago’s future

Chicago’s future will always be determined by the strength of its economy. If there are healthy businesses and a strong workforce, it is truly remarkable how those positive effects reverberate across everything else in our lives. My goal is to incentivize investment and growth in the private sector, and make incremental improvements to our existing tax and economic policies that will help working families thrive.

Quality of Life

When it comes to issues like transit, climate change, education, occupational licensing, and health care, you would be astounded (and frustrated) at the fact that there are many experts who have dedicated their entire lives into researching the optimal way to improve these systems for the good of society, but their propositions never turn into policies because politicians won’t listen to them. This really bothers me. I want the people who know what they’re talking about to be shaping the policy of this city.

What Makes Us Great

So much of what makes me who I am is because of my mom and dad. My mom is a retired dentist from South Korea and my Dad is a doctor from Benin. I couldn’t ask for greater people to raise me and teach me what it means to work hard and be a good man. The different types of people that call Chicago home is part of what makes this city great. When immigrants are given opportunities to work and their children receive a quality education, everyone benefits.